our ferry in venice was a bit late so we dont know if we will reache patras on friday in time to be able to drive to our ferry from pireus on friday night at 19:00, we will see !
we were early in ancona and left after fuelling shortly before 15:00 (greek times) so maybe we will reach patras in time.
the boat is nearly empty, so we sit and relax and eat and drink in our warm cabin, drink a cup of coffee in the bar ...
once in a while taking toffie outside for his nescessary WC outings, trying not to let him fly away in the strong winds on deck!
we arrived on time (13:00) in patras and went along the corinth bay with continuously improving weather. a clear blue sky and temperatures around 15 degrees accompanied us at the bridge across the corinth canal (isthmus), where coşkun was able to help a fish survive, that stayed on the bridge when it had went down under the water just before we arrived there, by throwing it back in the sea.
just after 17:00 hours we arrived at the harbour of pireus (peiraias) and checked-in on the bluestar 2 that will bring us to kos tonight, it happens to be the same boat (and the same cabin) as we had a year ago travelling from pireus to chios that time!
a full moon accompanied us on quiet seas.
now drinking coffee in kos, in a place with internet (at last!) waiting for our afternoon ferry to bodrum. temperatures are very nice here, 17 degrees.
now drinking coffee in kos, in a place with internet (at last!) waiting for our afternoon ferry to bodrum. temperatures are very nice here, 17 degrees.
back home it is 10 degrees inside and the heating is not working! and it is weekend, so we have to wait until monday to find somebody to help with our heating system!