zaterdag 9 mei 2015

donautrip start 8-5-2015

With PEGASUS from Turkey (Bodrum and Istanbul SABIHA) and KLM from AMSTERDAM  to MUNCHEN Airport. Big weather changes from hot in Bodrum, cold and very misty and rainy in Istanbul and not so warm in Holland to a sunny summerday in Bavaria Germany.

Manja and me meet in MUC (Munchen Airport) at the MAC (Munchen Airport Centre) and go with bus 635 to FREISING.

A bit chaotic journey with the train personel on strike, too many too heavy suitcases and no elevators only stairs... but fortunately a lot of helpful people !

From FREISING we go by train to PASSAU, where we stay for the night. Our hotel is along the Danube that streams amazingly fast and is brown. Where is the blue Danube ?

PASSAU donau quay
 Passau, the city where the Donau, The Inn and the Ilz meet.

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